Fipronil modern insecticide of Phenylpyrazole group which controls the insect pests of rice, chillis, cabbage/cauliflower and sugarcane effectively. It controls the insects by its contact, stomach and systemic action. Emamectin Benzoate is a modern insecticide of Avermectin group. It gives effective control of caterpillars by its contact and stomach poison action.

Product Information

Mode of Action

Fipronil is a modern insecticide of Phenylpyrazole group which controls the insect pests of rice, chilli, cabbage/cauliflower and sugarcane effectively. It controls the insects by its contact, stomach and systemic action. Emamectin Benzoate is a modern insecticide of Avermectin group. It gives effective control of caterpillars by its contact and stomach poison action

Target Insects

Thrips and Fruit Borer


200 – 250 ml/Acre, 1 -1.5 ml/Liter of Water

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