GAYATRI NEEM 1500 is very effective bio pesticide formulated from neem extract with the help of modern biotechnology. GAYATRI NEEM 1500 is effective against all types of harmful pests like bollworm, thrips. aphids, jassids whitefly, diamond black moth etc. GAYATRI NEEM 1500 affects the growth of pests and inhibits the egg formation process.

Product Information

Mode of Action

It is Neem oil-based herbal pest repellant/ antifeedant insecticide that controls Bollworm and Aphid on cotton plants, as well as leaf roller, Stem borer, and Plant Hopper on Rice crops. It can also be used for all cereals, pulses, vegetables, and horticulture crops.

Target Pests

Neem as a bio-fungicide: Neem oil is effective against rots, mildews, rusts, scab, leaf spot and blights. is used in controlling the sucking pests, fruit borers, pod borers, and other feeders in fruits, flowers, and vegetables. It is suitable for mixing with other synthetic pesticides and in fact, enhances their action. Neem consists of several compounds hence less chances of development of resistance.


2 -4 ml / Liter.

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