It is a systemic fungicide containing Carbendazim active ingredient 50% by mass and balance adjuvants.
It is a contact and stomach poisonous emulsifiable concentrate formulation based on chlorpyriphos technical
It is a systemic fungicide containing Carbendazim active ingredient 50% by mass and balance adjuvants.
Available Packaging: 500 gm
Recommended Crops:
Grapes, Walnut, Cucurbits, Cotton, Rose, Wheat, Cluster Beans, Sugar beet, Juté Barley, Tapioca, Tobacco, Paddy, Ber, Brinjal, Peas, Chillies, Moong Moong, Groundnut, Cow Pea, Apple
It is a contact and stomach poisonous emulsifiable concentrate formulation based on chlorpyriphos technical
CyanoGen provides adequate and long-duration protection with its unique mode of action. It protects the crop from stemborer,
Gayatri Chloro- 50 belongs to the organophosphorus chemical group. It is recommended on a wide range of crops