GAYATRI BUFROPLUS inhibits moulting of nymphs and larvae, leading to death. It is a novel insecticide for integrated pest management (IPM) and safe for environment.

Product Information


  • It is an insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action.
  • It inhibits moulting of nymphs and larvae, leading to death.
  • The products also suppresses ovipositor by adults and treated insects lay sterile eggs.
  • It is not phytotoxic when used as per recommendation.

Mode of Action

GAYATRI BUFROPLUS is a growth regulator that inhibits chitin synthesis and affects insect nervous systems by interacting with sodium channels. It disrupts molting and cuticle deposition in nymphs and larvae, leading to their death.


Crop Rice
Common name of the Pest Stem borer,
leaf folder &
Green leaf hopper
Dosage/acre(gm) 320
Dilution inWater (Liter) 1-2ml/Lit of water
Interval between last application to harvest (days)(days 20

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